Geophysical Survey

Geophysical survey using 1D Resistivity meter SSR-MP1 and 2D ADMT-500SX-16D equipment. Geophysical survey refers to the collection…

Borehole Drilling

Aadhira Solutions Ltd is full fledged company well equipped with three drilling units that are designed to…

Borehole Construction

Borehole construction definition: “this entails usage of approved standard materials and techniques to achieve a required…

Message from the Managing Director

We in Aadhira Solutions, We understand that meeting our customer’s requirement is essential to the success of our Company. We can say that the years we experienced in the past are significant years and it is clearly seen that we have intensively delivered our best performance to focus on customer satisfaction.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank our valuable customers, reliable dealers and world-class suppliers. Besides, I would like to make a special mention of our staffs’ enthusiastic contribution in establishing our Company. The one thing I would like to present is that our leadership is a result of our employees. They have clearly made Aadhira one of the outstanding Drilling Company. We know our highly trained engineers apply their specialized knowledge to reliably and efficiently produce high quality service.

We are now in an ever-changing market environment. In such situation, we firmly believe that “trust” is the key element in persuading customers to choose our quality services. We totally accept that “trust” can create a “Win-Win Situation” for a long deeper relationship. Our excellent services with latest technologies are diverse. We will continue our endless effort to serve our valuable customers.

In addition, I would like to thank again all those who have contributed relentless hard work and effort of the past to bring up here today right from South Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya and now Uganda. At Aadhira we keep the promise and will continue to grow for years to come.

Yours sincerely

Sathees Kumar

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