Borehole construction definition:

“this entails usage of approved standard materials and techniques to achieve a required borehole”.

Borehole construction .involves a number of stages after a borehole has been successfully drilled, this may include well design, installation of permanent casings, filter packing, grouting, sanitary sealing and borehole development.

At Aadhira Solutions, we understand that time is money for our clients and that any downtime can be anything from an inconvenience to a business-halting disaster. That is why our experienced engineering team are highly responsive and work with clients to ensure that borehole construction projects are completed quickly and efficiently from initial engagement to the time we exit a site.

It can be tempting for clients to cut borehole development short in order to get things back up and running more quickly. While reducing downtime may feel like the best solution, it is important to understand that there are consequences to being too hasty.

An insufficiently developed borehole will not give maximum available yield. As we have seen on many occasions, this results in higher pumping costs and the production of turbid, discolored groundwater. Any residual drilling debris or sediment will eventually make its way into the borehole and pumping equipment, which can block annular filter sand and screens. From here the submersible pump and treatment plant can fail.

As in many aspects of business, patience can be a virtue and taking the time to do a job right is more cost-effective in the long term than having to do the job twice.

To use a helpful analogy: no one would purchase a new car that was not fine-tuned to perform at its best just to save on cost and delivery time – particularly if it ran slower and with poor fuel efficiency as a result. So, why would a borehole owner accept anything less than a well-constructed borehole and optimal water supply?